Spooky Chews - plastic moulded halloween ghosts witches monsters
SPOOKY CHEWS plastic moulded halloween ghosts witchs monsters information from Steve Deegan via the excellent Cobwebbed room website "Similiar in a way to the 'Bone Shakers' coffin and candy product that I featured not so long ago, these small black plastic coffins also contained candy/sweets of somekind, can't remember what they were like, all I know is that they were very hard sweets, maybe boneshape? Anyway in each little coffin along with the sweets was a plastic badge which could come either in black on red, black on white, blue on white, or blue on yellow. The examples above show one of the black coffins and the different variations of colours of the characters which include: Slime monster? Frankenstein's Monster Witch Ghost Dracula 2 Headed monster Troll? Mummy Viking Ogre? Hunchback Headless Skeleton Not sure of the exact names of some of the characters, just going by what they look like. I have no idea how many different characters there were or how long the coffins/badges were on sale and what sort of packaging they came in. These were available in the shops sometime during the early 1980's." So we are not sure exactly how many colours were produced. Furthermore see image two and you will see monsters spookychews! Were these extra large badges also issued with Spookchews but in bigger coffins?